Configuring monitoring events in IIB


Hello all, greetings!!

I am back with a use case which is frequently asked for monitoring transactions in IIB.

I do see my colleagues easily setting up the monitoring events in node level and struggle with no monitored events at the destination.

For this use case, I will show a simple flow listening on MQ Input node and MQ Output node. No transformations in between. And I will configure the monitoring events and my destination for these events is again an MQ.

For creating a monitoring event, select the node properties. Navigate to ‘Monitoring’ and click ‘Add’

Select the event source (terminal), event source address and event name (can be left default).

And you can select specific data from incoming payload to obtain a simple or complex field. For demo purpose, I have included the full payload as bit stream.

If you see below screenshot, I have configured all possible events for this MQ Input node. This can be set to specific event as per user requirement. For demo purpose, I have configured all events.

The flow is ready and can be deployed.

And I want all these events to be triggered to my destination queue ‘MONITORING’.

Before I show the configuration for destination, I will talk a little about what is a monitoring event.

Monitoring event is represented as a XML document that conforms to the IBM Supplied message model (monitoring event schema). Each event always contains the following information:

  1. eventSourceAddress: From which source (terminal address)
  2. creationTime of event
  3.  eventCorrelation: localTransactionId, parentTransactionId, and globalTransactionId (Correlation ID for events emitted by the same transaction or unit of work)
  4. messageFlowData (broker, execution group, flow details)
  5. Optionally, a monitoring event can also contain the following information:
  6.  Application data extracted from the message (applicationData)
  7. Part or all of the message bit stream (bitstream)

Now, let’s see how to send messages to destination queue:

Create a subscription as below:


2)      Check the status of flow monitoring with below command:

This gives list of all events which were configured for that flow and provides the status whether the event is enabled or disabled.

3)      To enable the event sources, please use below command:

4)      After enabling, to activate monitoring issue below command.

After I test the flow, I see 3 events in queue ‘MONITORING’.

That’s it! This is how we configure monitoring events.

We do have an enhancement in newer versions of IIB where you can create monitoring profile. This avoids redeployment of flow for configuration changes (like add new event for a node). 

In my future posts, I will also talk about configuring monitoring profile. Thank you!


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